Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Still don't know.

School got cancelled today at 1:00, so I am not holding out on you or hiding because I feel stupid. I just really don't know about the whole red neck thing. It is killing me too. And if it keeps up snowing, school may be cancelled tomorrow. They are trying to slowly kill me, I am convinced.

I am too tired to write something interesting and/or witty, so this is all you get. I promise to update as soon as I know more.

Also? Fuck you, snow. Fuck you.


Ann said...

Um, that might have been my fault. I had a friend do a snow dance to get me out of work today. Looks like he missed.

Erratic said...

Let's go ahead and put "aim" on his list of things to improve. Because his snow dance is damn perfect...we have about 18 inches.

I might need video of that snow dance and a way to convert it to a money dance...

Ann said...

He didn't respond when I asked for a video of it. Maybe he's embarrassed? Or maybe it's a secret. Who knows.