I am not particularly fond of children. I mean, I like them. I think, maybe, someday, I want some. But, for the most part, I think that parents in my generation allow their children to be raised by television, creating screaming monsters in public. They are overstimulated. They have no respect for elders. They do things that would have gotten me grounded for eternity. They scare the crap out of me.
So, today, Mrs. Williams, her 3 1/2 year old son, 6 month old daughter, the boy, and I went to a local art fair. And, let me tell you, her kids were wonderful. Baby was strapped to mommy in one of those harness thingies that looks ridiculously uncomfortable, but was nothing but smiles, and big, beautiful eyes. Toddler (how generically impersonal are these names) was another story. He was all energy and talking and stories and I love you's. We split a vegan hot dog (note - weird. not splitting it with toddler, the hot dog) and he frequently asked for a sip of my beer. But, he was fun. And energetic. And well behaved. And he said please, and thank you, and I love you and then I love you more and my heart melted. And he picked up rocks for mommy, daddy, Auntie S (that's me), baby sister, and Madeline (that's his best friend.) And he respected the art, and luckily couldn't read, because there was an entire series based on cuss words. He got his face painted for the first time, with the worst robot face painters ever painted. Ever. It was halfway through the show and we were their only customer. Oh, and they also harassed me incessantly to get my face painted. Um. No.
The point I am making is that it was a great day. Then it rained. Wait. Rained is the wrong word. The sky opened up and shit on us. We all got soaked and ran inside, laughing. OK, I wasn't laughing, I was bitching because I hate getting wet. But, how can you not laugh when a 3 1/2 year old says, "Auntie S, we have an umbrella" in a tone that suggested I was a total dolt for running from the rain, because, duh, the umbrella. We walked around the art show inside, which was both weird and awesome. The boy and I bought our first joint purchase - a piece of art.
Maybe the day didn't end on the best note, which is a story for another post. But, I enjoyed every minute of it.
And, behold, Internet friends, my latest piece of original art. In fact, the first piece I have ever bought from someone I did not know personally. And I am absolutely in love with it. I apologize for the picture quality, but ever since grandma was here, I cannot locate ANYTHING. Like my camera. Or my toilet brush. Or one of the dogs.
That picture totally doesn't do the artwork justice, for the record.
I know, right? Stupid cell phone...but I seriously can't find my camera.
I'm not usually a big fan of children, either. But I've recently met one who is hilarious and sweet. It's weird, really.
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