Thursday, November 17, 2011

Fucking, Fuck. Brave.

Someone said to me once that we all come from something...this someone may have been on Law & Order SVU. What? They are my friends. Right?

I would like to note that I am a little intoxicated. On accident! Not on accident. Ugh. I feel like I am telling my mom about the time I broke curfew to meet a boy.

I come from something. I decided to tell a very small part of the story of where I come from. But an important part...a life changing part.

My story will be told on Monday. I want to scream and cry and curl up into a little ball. Bravery sucks. Stay tuned.


Jos said...

You have me very intrigued and anxious for Monday to come...

Big Jed said...

You did it. And I am proud. Very, very proud. Also, I love you. That is all.

Jos said...

Oh hon - just b/c you feel like someone has been through something "worse than you" doesn't mean that the trauma and fucking awfulness you went through affected you any less.

I'm proud of you for writing that post. Silent no more.

((HUGS from a girl who only knows you through the internet, but hopes you'll feel comfortable with them anyway!!!))